Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Another day in the life...

Today started off OK. The children all seemed well and in a good mood. I actually slept about 6 hours last night! I know right. I feel pretty good today in that respect.

I have allot of cleaning to do before the kids get home. Wednesdays are usually rushed since the children have an early release day from school. This means that the wee's will be bringing their friends over after school. I have to get my chores done early and get snacks ready for the crew.

I have two packages coming in today. One is a set of headphones for my PC, the other is more exciting. We just bought a Roku so we could get rid of cable once and for all. I hate the fact that my family spends so much time on the "boob tube". We are attempting to get back to family game nights a few times a week and minimize the electronic time. As a family we seem to loose one another in the haze of our Wifi. Not to mention that this will save us somewhere around 70 bucks a month from the family bills.

All for now. I have a shite load of laundry to do in the next 2 hours.

Monday, February 11, 2013

This sickness continues...

So Zeke has about 10 days worth of unproductive coughing. Brenna is taking the day off to take the kid to VM so he can be seen by asthma/allergy. The poor boy has some deep rooted issues with his breathing and I feel bad for him.

Brenna will be gone in the city with Zeke so I get to take the others to school and do a shite load of laundry. I need to also take some action in the bathroom getting it ready for painting. Yeah more cleaning.

The weather might take a turn for the worse today. Hopefully it will clear a bit or stabilize so I can get out of the house with the pup for a walk.
A few days late.

So the Pizza turned out pretty damn good. I made a Gluten free crust for the wife and bought pizza crust from Trader Joe's in Silverdale, for the boys. Both pizza's had Quattro Formaggio cheese blend and hard salami for protein. Both the wife and the kids love the dinner. This helped in the way I felt about myself for the day.

So I feel good when I do for others. But when I think about "myself" I still feel like shite!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

2/7/2013 update

So about to get the kids off to school and then do a bit of  shopping. My wife would like pizza tonight and that means that I need to get some sort of gluten free dough for her pizza and then make a regular pizza for the children. I might have to go to Silverdale, to Trader Joe's, to find the products I need. I read that there is a good product found on  this page. Hopefully it is not too costly as we are tightly budgeted.

 I think I might actually take my camera out today. It looks like the visibility this morning might allow a wide angle shot of the mountains. I will be in Silverdale and the water front park there is nice.

This is a new project, writing about myself, that I feel I need to take on since I am no longer working and just really need something to do. I love my family, my children and my wife, but I just am not happy with my life! I feel that I might be slipping a little bit into depression with the way things are going.
It has been several months since I walked away from a business I started with a friend some 3 years ago. I found out that my "cough" business partner did something unbelievable and just plain wrong. I felt that I could no longer be part of the business. There was a threat of a law suit and I decided the best option for me was to just remove myself out of the business. Everything was in my name so I forced the other person in the business to take over all responsibilities and I just walked away. I realize now that I had a great business plan just that I went into business with the wrong person! The business is still up and running and I will not mention it here.

The main issue is that I was WORKING daily as hard as I could and sometimes at the detriment of my family relations. I was not spending time with my children and wife and I was, now more so,  pretty stressed out. I had a really tight schedule and plenty of work to do every day for 3 years. During this time I was also a stay at home dad and I was handling my workflow and taking care of the family. What I did not see is that I was only in the house and on the PC. The business was online, lightly staffed and required 12 to 18 hours a day to monitor. I was in the house not walking, exercising, camping, biking, all the things I used to enjoy. I gained allot of weight and you guessed it, developed a pretty serious blood pressure problem.

So now here I am. 60 lbs overweight, taking handful of meds a day just to survive, and not feeling very happy with my station in life. I feel that I let EVERYONE down, most importantly, myself! This is the precipice, that I hear people talk of, where a change must happen. The problem is I am not sure which side I want to slide down. I want to make a change I just do not know if I will make the right decision!

Lots of housework to do today so I have to get off the PC. I am going to try and write everyday to see if I can work through this "thing" that I am going through.